2025 Short Term Rental Registration Form


* Required

  1. Business Name: *
  2. DBA/Additional Name Used:
  3. Alaska Business License #: *
  4. CBJ Sales Tax Account #: *
  5. Physical Address: *
  6. Number of Bedrooms: *
  7. Overnight Capacity: *
  8. Property Type: *
  1. Owner Name(s): *
  2. Phone: *
  3. Email: *
  4. Mailing Address: *
  5. City: *
  6. State: *
  7. Zip: *
  8. Is the property Owner Managed? *
  1. Please type your full name to indicate that the information entered into this form is accurate and to acknowledge:

    I understand that the property owner must register their business with the Sales Tax Office and is ultimately responsible for all taxes, fines, fee, interest, and/or penalties associated with this short term rental unit, whether or not they have a third party register and file tax returns on their behalf.

    I understand this registration is valid until December 31, 2025 and I will need to renew annually while I continue to list my short-term rental unit.*

  2. Signing Date: *